Thursday 21 April 2011

The Royal/Bank Holiday Wedding!

I used to be a fan of the Union Jack Tack that is available everywhere but what with the long, drawn out boredom that is the wedding of Prince William and carried-through-life Kate Middleton. It was slightly interesting forming an opinion over their intentions of marriage but now...
what will be behind their divorce?
There is not one person under the age of 50 who will not be using the extended bank holiday to get absolutely bladdered. Does the Royal family actually think people care about the occasion? I'm sure that even despite the Royal Family's caged bird minds, that even they can grasp the idea that all the public care about is the holiday the occasion has provided.
In bulk, the zombie like vultures will fill the town recreating a scene similar to when the titanic plunged to it's death, crawling their way around from bar to bar like something out of the Michael Jackson Thriller Video... hardly a street party celebration.
Once upon the 50's there may have been street parties celebrating such events but somehow, a combination of the changing of the times i.e. binge drinking and the exposure of married life within the Royal family over the past 20-30 years, the novelty appears to have worn off.

1 comment:

  1. There are lots of people that like the Royal Family, even those that haven't been 'carried-through-life'. The wedding is at least an event where people can celebrate with others, even if you aint a Royalist. I think if you look at the merchandise for sale, there must be someone buying it so they can have there street parties or whatever! So misery, rise a glass to the happy couple!
