Tuesday 19 April 2011

Blah, Blah, No Gaga

I know there is a lot of hype around this woman at the moment and there has been for the past three years ever since she burst on the music scene with number one debut Just Dance. I personally have liked such songs as well as some of her album tracks, in fact I have probably preferred the album tracks such as Speechless, Again, Again and Dance In The Dark as these tend to hold some magic in the lyrics and the chorus alongside with the musical backdrop that holds a fresh yet nostalgic element to them as they do in fact resemble work of David Bowie and Madonna, of which the 'Lady' herself has admitted to being a fan of. These songs have proved more successful with my own ear than the dull Paparazzi and Love Game with their forced lyrical gimmicks such as "Bluffing with My Muffin"(Paparazzi) and "I wanna take a ride on your Disco Stick" (Love Game). The disco stick tag seems just that of a tag to connect with a disco fan surely? Code Speech between two folks who can chat about Donna Summer all night? or more on the mark; a one night stand wrapped up in a gay friendly wimsical manner? either way it proves beneficial to create a strong fanbase. My gay Friends love her for these empty sounding songs where as I prefer the more stronger, emotional sounding songs which do in fact have more of a story to.
Lady Gaga is about to rlease her 2nd album...I have no idea what to expect, which is probably a good thing for an artist as it creates that element of surprise and keeps the fanbase guessing, however if the songs I have heard So far from the new collection of work such as Express Yourself, oops I mean Born This Way, and Judas, I personally may find my attention diverted elsewhere. It does seem that Lady Gaga may be entering the same avenue as Cheryl Cole, 'the successful material has been played to death so something new needs to be put out like yesterday!' an approach which has seen Cheryl Cole release a promising debut Fight For This Love and then tarnishing that run with the not so great Promise This. Although in comparison Lady Gaga seems to rely on her professional spectacle as oppose to her personal one, take note Cheryl!
Lady Gaga's new album will probably contain some unreleased gems and will probably go ridiculously platinum before it is even released as people will read into the image and continue to believe if they follow Lady Gaga they too can stand out from a crowd.
Thats all I have to say on the matter...

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