Friday 27 May 2011

Tortoise Shell Tinted Glasses

Hang on a second folks let me just put on my glasses! I will admit that I do like the different styles of frames that are now available but as I have not yet been informed, by my body or an optition, that I need to invest in the beneficial equipment, then I do not intend to. However what is with all these 'costume jewellery' glasses?

Is it 'Right On' (sorry, had to get that in) to have a problem with our eye sight now?

Is that the new black?

When did Coronation Street's Deidre become such a fashion con?

When we are cold, we want to be warm and vice versa so in the long run the same will occur due to faux glasses?

I have been known by friends to be a bit of a consumer whore when it comes to fashion. One of which was wearing these 1970's style frames when I met them in 2007 but they were perscription, I made grandparent and Deidre jokes about the 'vintage' style and funnily enough this said friend told me

" a year these will be all the rage and you will wearing them just cos they are in fashion"

I laughed and called him foolish I was to joke. I do however know my mind and knew I would not be donning the circus esque specs in order to be 'In'. A year later they did indeed come into fashion with the rest of the 'Preppy' look but it was not me who succumbed like my dear friend said, it was another friend of ours who decided he could not repress his urge to play partially sighted. The shame.
The first thought when seeing these victims jumping on the band wagon, from my own experience, is usually: Do you actually need those, or are you just a poser?
Then: Does the frame reflect your personal taste? as the fake high street range usually all look the same and therefore have not been picked out of a collection of many
What is it doing to their eye sight and are they really prepared to sacrifice something as important as their sight for the sake of looking ridiculous?
It doesn't make you look 'cool' or smart create your own identity folks come on! 
For those who actually benefit from the intention of the equipment, not the accessory and for those future users who are perhaps damaging their eye sight, there are some nice frames at the moment that do not appear on your average high street.

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