Tuesday 14 April 2020

Lockdown Lifted - Cabin Fever

As this week marks the fourth week of us stepping outside to cheer on our NHS, there is word of Lockdown being lifted in the UK.
It appears to be speculation at the moment, but with deaths in the UK still on the rise... are we ready to have the weight lifted?
As a nation we have been in Lockdown, officially, for 4 weeks and this Thursday we will find out more about our current situation, it has been rumored to last another 3 weeks, until 7th May.
The Lockdown has since been lifted in China and parts of Europe and I'm sure it would be a dream come true for the UK too. Summer is not yet here and so the weather is still slightly too cold to enjoy from our window sills or balconies and I doubt that I am alone in being concerned about what happens when we do finally step outside and expose ourselves for longer periods of time.
Surely our immune systems will be a bit off track, our bodies not as we want them, our energy levels will suffer during the day, maybe even our attention spans... with the death toll rising to 11,000 (717 in the past 24 hours) are we any closer to being out of the woods? 

...and how is everyone else Dealing with Cabin Fever?

On a lighter note we do have the option to have some mild composure to the outside world. We can have our 1 hour of exercise a day, plus we can walk the dog and go out for our essential shopping. As Spring gets into full swing and the sun shines through my window, these daily allowances of venturing outside seem less and less but we are all doing this together to safe each other. 

If we look on the bright side, that run, walk or trip to the shops can be a way to distance yourself from the person you are living/stuck with, I enjoy the company of mine but we can have too much of a good thing sometimes and that vital trip alone might be the best thing to clear the mind (I highly recommend a run or a jog).

Are you learning anything new? With the boredom along with the issues of going outside, we can make the most of our time inside. Baking, or cooking in general can be very therapeutic, maybe if you live with friends, family or partner you can go for your distancing/ time out run, or trip to the shops and then come back to cook with those that you are surrounded by (video calling can also make this a social event!)

Here are a few things that can be done throughout the day/week:
  • We enjoyed a homemade Lasagne and it was the best!  
  • Decluttered clothes and bagged up for charity
  • Been for a run
  • Sang along to Disney tunes 
  • Cleaned the house
  • Downloaded a course
  • shared my thoughts through Blog posts
  • reached the bottom of the laundry basket

Admittedly these things will not be done every single day, so we can space things out to keep ourselves occupied but at what other time would we have the chance to get these things done at our leisure. 
Do something that you need or want to do, create your process and you can do it at your own pace, I expressed my attempt at this in my last post "Quarantine Qualms". 

Writing a journal or a blog post/video diary can be therapeutic and sharing these things might actually help others feel not so alone, it can also make great reading at other times in your life and want to remind yourself how you dealt with something. A journal can be anything that you want to come back to; a mood and how you overcome that way you were feeling, a recipe and what went right or wrong. 

Use the weekend as time to catch up on what you miss during the week and then write a list for the following week of what you need to catch up on as well as new things that you want to get done. 

During these times we need to maintain routine and purpose.

As we move forward, I feel that we will come out of this more positive, more supportive to life around us. We can compare all day long people and their lifestyles but there are plenty of things here and now to put into perspective.

Whilst money can create choices, health and happiness cannot be bought, we will always find ourselves in situations that make us equal.

#staysafe #stayhome #savelives

useful links:

Tuesday 7 April 2020

Quarantine Qualms - Surviving Self Isolation

So here we are in the midst of uncertainty with the latest health scare that is Covid-19 or Coronavirus. As we attempt to join together by staying apart and help save our NHS heroes, we find ourselves in other vulnerable positions than that we are striving to help and that creates a whole other frightening outcome.
Like with anything, we must have all gone through the novelty stage of treating it like a holiday or  'staycation' but as the reality hits in, we find ourselves feeling like prisoners in our own homes.
So, instead of succumbing to the sofa and the tantalising tales of daytime TV (it's so relatable right now), we must find the positive in the situation we are now in.
We are allowed to walk our dogs, take up exercise and go to the shops but what else must we do with the majority of our time inside our four walls?

As we embark on the unknown and self isolate, we could use this time for positive gains...

What will I do with all this free time?
What have I been wanting to do but not had enough time?

Now is THAT time to put up those shelves, spend time helping your children with their homework, going through your wardrobe, culling those items you feel you have no business wearing (although trying them on would be a great trip down memory lane as much as it would be a great ego boost).

Ever since we had the news of working from home, I must admit, at first, it was a bittersweet feeling. Christmas came and went and it was not all the festive fun I usually feel. Maybe it's a sign of growing up but since then all we have seen is the decline of life as we know it due to the current outbreak. So from a personal point of view, I figured this could be a great opportunity for me, albeit bleak and dismal at the same time, to try to learn a new skill in order to shine a fresh light on something long and dark.
I am making my trips outdoors only within the realm of what we are able to do in order to keep numbers down, and I am trying to make the most of what 'free' time I have to put to better use.

As more of a morning person, I wake up at around 8am, I then put on the morning TV to get the latest updates, whichever channel suits you best and yes TV is much better than looking at  phones as TV has the latest information and less irrelevant distractions of celebrity so called news.

I prepare coffee, the fresh smell of coffee drifting through the apartment in the morning is the best, once awake with the latest news and caffeine fix, I prepare my dog for his eagerly awaited morning walk. 
Walking the dog, I try to make use of different scenery, whilst remaining compliant to social distancing. We go along the main road, crossing over to avoid any kind of contact whilst taking any side street that brings us back around to the original main road and back across the main road to another side street that brings us back closer to our flat. This figure of 8 is not exactly the most exciting adventure for our lovely pooch but at first it is a mixture of the surroundings and smells for him to do his doggy business and it does feel like a much longer walk, or until he gets use to all the scents at least.

During the daytime, I have been tidying and sorting in order to declutter my life and living space, this is something that I have been meaning to do for some time and now adds great value to this trying time. 
If you have anything that you were longing to do around the house or in the garden, now would be the time to set the standard for how you want things.

Now, when I get back from the walk... I do have daytime TV on in the background as I have found that it can be a great part of the routine as its great to exercise to whilst also gaining some knowledge/inspiration for things to do. There are a few small masterclasses across the channels during the day.

After or during the work out make sure that some kind of routine is in place for hygiene, the family/house mates can take it in turns to use the bathroom as those that do want to exercise can get on with that.
Also if you have children, this would be a great opportunity to form and stick to a routine and after hygiene has been maintained get them to do their home work or set them chores or even a creative project to do together (remaining mindful of their health and safety). Maybe even from one of the daytime TV tutorials.

Going through laundry and organising clothes, relive those memories of trying on garments from a past life!
Thoroughly enjoyed trying on a navy blazer with a bicycle broach that I bought 12 years ago but last wore 10 years ago whilst getting a bit tipsy and climbed on top of a car!
Not just for the nostalgia but why not create some outfits, put together some clothes that look great in your mind take pictures on your phone and save for when you are next stuck with what to wear.
 If garments no longer fit or they now look tired then its cut to the cull... that's half the job done at least!

Set aside a pile of garments that's are no longer needed, in order to donate, There are bound to be people out there who are in need of clothes especially when things return to normal and we could all do with donating something instead of throwing it away. I personally enjoy browsing charity shops and have found great deals before so do not fear about creating new memories for your clothes!
If you are living alone then why not get onto one of the various video calling platforms and contact your siblings, your parents, your cousins, and/or your friends and have a trip down memory lane.

Those who eat together stay together! - a statement that is very true! 
Anyone who has ever enjoyed anyone else's company will know how true this is!
No matter who is the chef or who isn't... there is always a warming feeling coming together with your favourite people to enjoy a bite and their company. Eating together has created life long friendships with people I studied with and myself and my partner eat together on a regular basis which has proven a nice bit of normality during this isolation. 
Again this can be done via video calling if you want to include someone who doesn't live with you or if you live alone, we live in a social world nowadays.

As the day heads to a close, I like to treat this as the norm... by watching TV and again catching up on the news. I prioritise escapism at this time though by catching up on TV programmes/series as there are regular news updates throughout the whole day.
Escapism is good, watch a DVD, catch up on something that you downloaded or saved and still be mindful about the latest updates when they appear.

Survival in Self Isolation can be all about setting the standard for the norm!

Let me know what you think and how you are self isolating...

Whatever you're doing and however you're doing it...

#staysafe #stayhome #safelives 

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Mariah Carey - Almost Home Coming?

Just when this woman was facing becoming a 'has-been' for the second time in her career, she has not had a number one single in 5 years. Mariah Carey, 42, made a comeback last year with Triumphant (Get 'Em) too much disappointment to herself and more importantly her fans due to the lack of Mariah Carey on a 'Mariah Carey comeback record'. The comeback seemed to have been on a light simmer since with the release of the Obama tribute Bring It On Home which sank without trace possibly down to the song not being built up of a verse, Chorus, verse structure. Beside her craft of song writing apparently on the slide it was not exactly nothing new... but then nothing has been since the success of her 2005 US No. 1 We Belong Together. Flop after flop and then it was time for Mariah to take the judging panel on American Idol, luckily no one knew who Keith Urban was!
With herself perched back into the public eye it was time for another assault on the charts. This latest attempt came in the shape of Almost Home, a song for the new Disney motion picture 'Oz The Great And Powerful' which sounds more like a prequel for a spin off computer game franchise than some on-a-whim Wizard of Oz Prequel....
The song however, is possibly Mariah Carey Gold for the noughties in their difficult teen years! The song is nothing new in subject matter for the Mother of two but with the slightly modern musical backdrop and those signature polished pipes that she has kept very well hidden of late, someone has been very kind here when adding effects. This new slice of Mariah Carey Pop could easily sit up there with hits such as Make It Happen and Hero, however it does somehow sit in limbo quite comfortably... is it what to expect from her new album or is it just a sound for the movie. There have been so many attempts of late to make another comeback and Carey has not supplied a song for a movie since 1998’s Babyface penned Duet with Whitney Houston, When You Believe for DreamWorks animation The Prince of Egypt.
The verdict: Who cares? The song has a very punchy beat and great vocals with a positive message! Let's hope this puts the diva back on the map somewhere where she is safe from becoming the next Paula Abdul to American Idol or Dannii Minogue to X Factor.... a woman who needs to pay her bills.